How to take care of thinning hair 2021

 How to take care of thinning hair 2021

+5 How to take care of thinning hair 2021

Nadine is always excited about the day she goes to the hairdresser, because without it her hair is light and fragile, unfortunately her beautiful hair does not last more than four hours, and then it returns to its previous era, on the one hand. Going to the hairdresser every day This is impossible, both on the budget side and also for the health of her hair, so are there other options that make her hair beautiful every day?


 Your daily concern with styling your hair always affects its health, follow healthy styling tips and suggestions, to get the best haircut that will camouflage your weak hair condition.

Hair care routine:

1- Do not brush your hair while it is wet.

2- Comb the hair from the bottom of the neck upward, in order to revitalize weak roots.

3- Use a wooden or plastic comb or brush instead of a plastic or metal comb or brush, as it prevents the hair from drying out by distributing the oil all over the scalp, and it will not damage your hair like a metal brush.

4- Use a diffuser when drying your hair, and do not expose your hair to the dryer directly.

5- Choosing a volumizing shampoo for hair. It helps to make your hair appear more voluminous, and it will help you hide its lightness.

6- Choose a conditioner specially formulated for thin hair, or one that promotes volume and thicker hair, with thin hair You should not apply a conditioner to the scalp, as this will lead to thinking carefully at the bottom of the hair shaft at the base of your scalp, instead focusing on conditioning Tips from your hair.


1- The classic short haircut is one of the best haircuts to get rid of imperfections of thin hair at the ends.

2- Short, irregular haircut, which is a haircut in which the lengths of the strands are irregular, which gives a feeling of heavy hair density.

3- A medium-length haircut to the shoulders, as it surrounds the length of the face.

4- Short haircut with a long front haircut, suitable for very thin hair from the front of the head.

** Diet

Your hair grows about 1/4 to 1/2 inch every month, and the basis for your new hair is the nutrition you take, so the healthier you nourish the healthier your new hair!

Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fats, vitamin B-12, and iron, which are important elements for a healthy scalp.

* Dark green vegetables: Spinach and cauliflower are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, which the body needs to produce the oily substances for dark hair follicles, and also provide iron and calcium.

Beans: Beans and lentils should be an important part of your hair care diet, not only because they provide essential protein for hair growth, but also provide iron, zinc and biotin.

* Walnuts: They contain valine, which is one of the important "omega 3" types for your hair. It is also a great source of zinc, as well as cashews, pecans and almonds. Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss.

Poultry: Provides you with protein, which is necessary to prevent hair from getting brittle and weak, and protein deficiency leads to hair loss as well.

Eggs: Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, as they contain biotin and vitamin B-12.

Whole grains: include wholegrain bread or breakfast cereals for a healthy dose of zinc, iron and B vitamins.

Oysters: The key to strengthening hair is that it is rich in zinc - a powerful antioxidant.

Low-fat dairy products: such as skimmed milk and yogurt, they are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth, and they also contain Casein and Whey, which are two high-quality protein sources.

Carrots: An excellent source of vitamin A, which promotes scalp health.

Treating dandruff and hair loss with home recipes

Hair loss is defined as more than 100 strands of hair loss per day, or more than 250 strands of hair loss in the shower.

And it may be accompanied by the presence of places where hair density is less than other places. Anyone can suffer from it, be it a woman, a man, or even a child. If hair loss develops into large spots, it is called baldness.

Types of hair loss:

Male pattern baldness: It is at the front of the head, and it creeps gradually to the back. It can start in the early twenties, and its cause is male hormones.

* Baldness in women: It affects the middle of the head and the sides, and it usually appears as a lack of hair density and not completely baldness.

* Alopecia: It is an immune disease that causes hair loss in the form of smooth, circular spots. It can affect all hair of the head and eyebrows. In extreme cases, all of the body's hair.

Sudden hair loss: The amount of hair in it is filling the palm of the hand, and it comes after a severe illness, or due to severe psychological pressure. And accompanied by thinness in the rest of the hair, and a loss of freshness and vitality.

* Hair loss due to tension: This occurs for those who wear headbands or hair bands that tighten them strongly, and affect the places where the hair is subjected to tension.

* Vital hair loss: growing and strong hair is lost due to the use of drugs, such as chemical drugs used to treat cancer. And the loss begins immediately after using the drug, and continues even after the end of chemotherapy for weeks, then the hair returns to grow again, but rarely returns to the strength that it had before the treatment.

** Causes of hair loss

* Heredity: the presence of family members who suffer from baldness increases the incidence of baldness among others of the same family.

Hormones: Hormonal imbalance leads to a shorter hair growth period, and in every hair growth cycle the hair becomes weaker and falls faster. Such as hormonal disruption in three months of pregnancy, menopause, some diseases in which male hormones increase in women, contraceptive pills. And usually the shedding ends when the problem ends.

* Food: Food imbalance and lack of essential elements such as iron and zinc, which hair needs to grow in a healthy way is a major cause of hair loss and this reason is very common.

Immune diseases: such as alopecia and thyroid disease. Or other diseases such as diabetes and seborrheic fever.

* Severe stress: the body passes through it, which leads to the cessation of hair growth and weak follicles, and then hair loss gradually.

** Hair loss treatment:

 Each hair problem mentioned above has a special treatment. Here are examples:

* For those who suffer from hair loss due to food, they are usually given vitamins that contain iron, zinc and others to treat the problem.

* As for immune diseases, it has a treatment in medicine that varies according to the severity of the disease, and the treatment ranges from just shampoo to cortisone needles in the head.

* With regard to treatment with herbal medicine, the patient is given drugs that extinguish the immune reaction, and the patient continues for a good period of treatment until he finds the desired result.

* With regard to hair loss caused by chemical drugs, the patient is advised to take appropriate nutritional supplements that expel the effects of chemical treatments from his body.

* As for severe stress, the body will overcome the problem as soon as the cause of psychological stress is gone.

* Giving the patient natural creams and shampoos to treat the problem. Thousands of patients have benefited from natural treatments by this method.

* Home remedies and recipes for dandruff and hair loss


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