Causes Of Hair Breakage And Ways To Repair 2021

 Causes Of Hair Breakage And Ways To Repair 2021

+5Causes Of Hair Breakage And Ways To Repair 2021

Hair breakage can happen for a spread of reasons, including specific hair products, diet, and stress. Home remedies can help.

People can experience hair breakage that affects all kinds of hair from straight to curly. It can make hair look frizzy or coarse either at the ends or near the highest , or crown, of the top .

In most cases, hair breakage is temporary, and other people can repair their hair and restore its strength by using products and residential remedies.

In this article, we glance at 10 common causes of hair breakage and ways to treat and stop future breakage and hair damage.

What is the cause?

The following section explores the common causes of hair breakage:

1. Hair products and styling

Products that folks use for coloring, perming, or relaxing the hair contain chemicals which will weaken the hair and make it more likely to interrupt .

Even some shampoos can cause the hair to interrupt , become brittle, or turn frizzy.

A 2014 study reported that the acidity, or pH, of a shampoo may affect hair breakage. Certain shampoos are alkaline, or basic, which may cause a charge on the hair. This creates more friction between hair strands and may cause hair breakage.

Avoiding the appliance of harsh chemicals to the hair and selecting a shampoo with a neutral pH can improve hair health.

2. Over-brushing

Brushing the hair an excessive amount of also can cause breakage.

People might not got to brush their hair the maximum amount as they think. The American Academy of Dermatology advise only brushing hair the maximum amount as people got to style it. Notably, the thought that folks should brush their hair with 100 brushstrokes may be a myth.

3. Heat and lack of moisture

Frequently using heat on the hair can damage the hair shafts and take away the moisture from the hair, which may cause brittle hair and hair breakage.

Over time, the subsequent heat treatments can damage the hair:



curling tongs

Hot weather and humid climates also can dry the hair out and increase the danger of breakage.

People can often avoid and stop future hair breakage by reducing heat treatments.

4. Towel drying

Rubbing wet hair with a towel can damage the hair, increase frizz, and cause breakage. Wet hair breaks more easily than dry hair.

Instead of rubbing the hair, try wrapping a towel around it to soak up the moisture, or letting it dry naturally within the air.

5. Not having Regular haircuts

A lack of normal haircuts may result in split ends. These broken ends make the hair more likely to interrupt above , nearer the hair shaft.

Getting regular haircuts, even when a private is growing out their hair, can help to stay hair healthy and powerful .

A hairdresser also will be ready to give advice for maintaining healthy hair and addressing any current issues people could also be experiencing.

6. Diet

Nutrition plays an integral part in promoting healthy hair. If people are deficient in certain nutrients, they'll have weakened hair that appears dry, dull, or brittle. Severe nutrient deficiencies can also cause hair loss.

Eggs and fish contain biotin, which is important for healthy hair growth, and Brazil nuts offer hair-boosting selenium. study foods for healthy hair growth here.

It is essential that folks get a diet that contains many the following:

omega-3 fatty acids


vitamin D



Once people resolve any nutritional deficiencies, they're going to likely find their hair becomes stronger and healthier again.

7. Tight hairstyles

If people are tying their hair back frequently in tight hairstyles, or using elastic bands to tie their hair up, this will cause hair breakage. Tight hairstyles can stretch or break the hair faraway from the basis .

If people regularly wear their hair in tight styles like buns, cornrows, or braids, it's going to cause a kind of hair loss called traction alopecia. Although this is often a short lived hair loss that the hair can get over , it can become permanent if it keeps happening.

Elastic ties also can pull tightly on the hair and increase the danger of breakage. People can switch to covered hair ties and wear their hair during a sort of loose styles to alleviate pressure on the hair.

8. Stress

Extreme stress can cause damage to the hair and a condition called telogen effluvium.

A severe shock or stress can cause the hair roots to succeed in the resting stage of their growth cycle before they're meant to and therefore the hair comes loose from the scalp.

Once stress has passed, people will usually find the hair regrows. If people notice unusual amounts of hair shedding, they ought to see their doctor to see for the underlying cause.

9. Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders can cause hair breakage. If people have a thyroid disorder, they'll notice very brittle, dry, and dull hair. Hair also can become thinner, or people may notice excessive shedding or bald patches.

People with a thyroid disorder can also notice changes to their skin and nails, including the following:

nails crumble or break easily

wounds heal more slowly than usual

deep lines on the palms and soles of the feet

itchy skin

If people notice any of those symptoms, along side fatigue, they ought to see their doctor to see if they need a thyroid disorder.

10. Eating disorders

Eating disorders can cause breakage to the hair and may cause hair loss.

The malnutrition and health issues that come from eating disorders can disrupt the natural cycle of hair growth. This disruption can cause hair to interrupt off during the expansion phase of the hair cycle, which is named the anagen.

Treating hair breakage

People can often boost the health of their hair by addressing the cause, using hair-strengthening products, or changing their haircare routine.

The following sections check out ways to treat hair breakage:

Change haircare routine

Switching haircare routines can help if hair products or styling methods, like harsh chemicals or heat treatments, are damaging the hair. Try air-drying the hair and using gentle products that contain fewer harsh chemicals.

People may find switching their hair products to ones that look after damaged hair, restore moisture, and strengthen hair may help to stop hair breakage.

If people swim often, they will use a shampoo and conditioner that specifically restores any damage that chlorine and other chemicals in pools can cause to the hair.

Use a conditioner

Not employing a conditioner after washing hair with shampoo may result in hair damage. A conditioner neutralizes the charge of the hair, which may help to reduce frizz and detangle hair.

Conditioners also can help to extend shine and smoothness of hair, making it more manageable.

Reduce stress

If stress is that the explanation for hair breakage, people can plan to take time to relax and unwind, which may improve the condition of their hair. examine ways to bust stress here.

Dietary changes

When the hair has lost its strength due to a person’s diet, they will try eating foods that strengthen the hair again. These foods include ones with many protein, omega-3s, iron, biotin, and zinc.


People can take steps to avoid future hair breakage, including the following:

using a conditioner after shampooing hair

massaging shampoo into the scalp and rinsing it through the hair, instead of rubbing it in

wearing a swimming hat to guard the hair from chlorine and other chemicals in pools

washing hair with a specialized swim shampoo after swimming

drying hair by wrapping it during a towel or letting it dry naturally

letting hair air dry slightly first before blow drying or brushing

limiting the utilization of hot tools on the hair, like straighteners or curling tongs

reducing use of coloring and styling products

changing hairstyles often

using proper hair bands and tying the hair loosely

brushing hair gently, and only enough to style it

keeping extensions or weaves certain only 2–3 months at a time

eating a diet to make sure the hair is getting all the nutrients it needs


Reducing or avoiding causes of hair damage and taking steps to worry for the hair correctly can help to stay the hair strong and healthy. this will also help to stop any worsening symptoms, like hair loss.

If people notice excessive or unusual hair loss, they ought to see their doctor, because it may signal an underlying health condition.


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